NameSaiqa Hussain

I was brought up in a muslim family in Britain and like other people on this website I was brainwashed into believing in islam. At the age of 17, like most muslim girls I had an arranged marriage with my cousin from Pakistan but which did not work out because it was obvious he was only after my passport and financial benefit. After realising that my marriage was never going to work out I decided to get divorced but since he was my first cousin my family were against the idea and in fact my mother caused arguments with me daily so that I would get fed up and go back to Pakistan and work things out with my husband. Feeling alone and unsupported by my family and after years of being just a cook and a cleaner for my family I decided enough was enough and left my family home. Due to my family situation I lost faith in Islam and had my daughter from an English man. However, unfortunately this relationship didn\'t work out either and I raised my daughter on my own, who is now 14 years of age. I have been quite lucky in that I have some really good English friends who have been really supportive and helpful and if it wasn\'t for these friends I wouldn\'t have managed. However, due to my studies I have had to move away from my friends and now live in Birmingham. Although I still have close contact with my friends being disowned by my family still makes me isolated at times. I came across this site as I was looking to meet like minded people in Birmingham but I am surprised that there seems to be no ex muslim groups in Birmingham. I really hope that more and more muslims see Islam for the destructive religion that is, breaking families apart and creating hatred for other humans. As a student I unable to provide any financial support for this council at the moment but I would be more than happy to provide help by other means.